Welcome, awesome ones. I’m Krista.
I lead humans to embody bliss consciousness for passionate, pleasure-led lives and loves. I guide edge-seeking visionaries to their most impactful, fulfilling lives. I find my own edge daily in service to our collective consciousness as the Bliss Mystic, an author and speaker, an artist and poet. I’m the author of 39 Revolutions, Unlearn Moderation, Body 2.0, Ischemia, and Conscious Revolution. My practice is global and my home is in Maine a few steps from the woods. I love being the mama of my two sons and partner to my love, Brian.
Consciousness guidance is my sacred service. Since 2005, I have had the honor and privilege of being invited into the most intimate dimensions of my clients’ lives. In circles and retreats, or from the stage or chair, I follow my calling to invite humans to live awake in all our relationships–to the humans around us, to Self, and to Source. All of our cocreated experience together is informed by consciousness science and the wisdom of our interconnected nature.
My vision is to guide humans to their bliss consciousness to remember that we are all made of star stuff, all an integral, indivisible dimension of our quantum source.
I serve humans who seek to contribute to shaping an equitable, accessible, inclusive, and sustainable existence nurtured and fortified through connection to our lifeforce. It’s time to embody and actualize all dimensions of wisdom to live awake as the intuitive, kinetic spirits that we all are.